
Implementing (parts of) TensorFlow (almost) from Scratch

A Walkthrough of Symbolic Differentiation

Jim Fleming (@jimmfleming) | | | |

Next: The Graph

This literate programming exercise will construct a simple 2-layer feed-forward neural network to compute the exclusive or, using symbolic differentiation to compute the gradients automatically. In total, about 500 lines of code, including comments. The only functional dependency is numpy. I highly recommend reading Chris Olah's Calculus on Computational Graphs: Backpropagation for more background on what this code is doing.

The XOR task is convenient for a number of reasons: it's very fast to compute; it is not linearly separable thus requiring at least two layers and making the gradient calculation more interesting; it doesn't require more complicated matrix-matrix features such as broadcasting.

(I'm also working on a more involved example for MNIST but as soon as I added support for matrix shapes and broadcasting the code ballooned by 5x and it was no longer a simple example.)

Let's start by going over the architecture. We're going to use four main components:

  • Graph, composed of Tensor nodes and Op nodes that together represent the computation we want to differentiate.
  • Tensor represents a value in the graph. Tensors keep a reference to the operation that produced it, if any.
  • BaseOp represents a computation to perform and its differentiable components. Operations hold references to their input tensors and an output tensor.
  • Session is used to evaluate tensors in the graph.

Note the return from a graph operation is actually a tensor, representing the output of the operation.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from tqdm import trange

from graph import Graph
from session import Session

The main method performs some setup then trains the model, displaying the current loss along the way.

def main():

Define a new graph

    graph = Graph()

Initialize the training data (XOR truth table)

    X = graph.tensor(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]))
    y = graph.tensor(np.array([[0, 1, 1, 0]]))

Initialize the model's parameters (weights for each layer)

    weights0 = graph.tensor(np.random.normal(size=(2, 4)))
    weights1 = graph.tensor(np.random.normal(size=(4, 1)))

Define the model's activations

    activations0 = graph.sigmoid(, weights0))
    activations1 = graph.sigmoid(, weights1))

Define operation for computing the loss (mean squared error)

    loss_op = graph.mean(graph.square(graph.transpose(y) - activations1))

Define operations for the gradients w.r.t. the loss and an update operation to apply the gradients to the model's parameters.

    parameters = [weights0, weights1]
    gradients = graph.gradients(loss_op, parameters)

    update_op =[
        graph.assign(param, param - grad) \
            for param, grad in zip(parameters, gradients)

Begin training... We iterate for a number of epochs, calling the session run method each time to compute the update operation and the current loss. The progress bar's description is updated to display the loss.

    sess = Session(graph)
    with trange(10000) as pbar_epoch:
        for _ in pbar_epoch:
            _, loss =[update_op, loss_op])
            pbar_epoch.set_description('loss: {:.8f}'.format(loss))

if __name__ == '__main__':