from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

from tensor import Tensor
from ops import AddOp, SubOp, MulOp, DivOp, \
                DotOp, TransposeOp, SquareOp, NegOp, \
                MeanOp, SigmoidOp, AssignOp, GroupOp

Graph represents a computation to be evaluated by a Session. With the exception of Graph#tensor, Graph#convert, and Graph#gradients, most methods simply create an operation and return the output tensor of the operation.

class Graph(object):

The tensor method defines a new tensor with the given initial value and operation.

    def tensor(self, initial_value=None, op=None):
        return Tensor(initial_value=initial_value, graph=self, op=op)

The convert method returns the given value if it is a Tensor, otherwise convert it to one.

    def convert(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, Tensor):
            return value
        return self.tensor(initial_value=value)

The gradients method performs backpropagation using reverse accumulation and the chain rule.

It traverses the graph from y to each x in xs, accumulating gradients, and returning the partial gradients for each xs. We use a queue to keep track of the next tensor for which to compute the gradient and keep a dictionary of the gradients computed thus far. Iteration starts from the target output y with an output gradient of 1.

    def gradients(self, y, xs):
        queue = []
        queue.append((y, 1))

        grads = {}
        while len(queue) > 0:
            y, grad_y = queue.pop(0)
            grad_y = self.convert(grad_y)

            gradients = y.op.gradient(grad_y)
            assert len(gradients) == len(y.op.inputs)

            for tensor, gradient in zip(y.op.inputs, gradients):
                if tensor in grads:
                    grads[tensor] += gradient
                    grads[tensor] = gradient

                if tensor.op:
                    queue.append((tensor, gradient))

        return [grads[x] for x in xs]

Operation Methods

Each operation method defines a new operation with the provided input tensors and returns the operations' output.

    def add(self, a, b):
        op = AddOp([a, b], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def sub(self, a, b):
        op = SubOp([a, b], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def mul(self, a, b):
        op = MulOp([a, b], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def div(self, a, b):
        op = DivOp([a, b], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def neg(self, x):
        op = NegOp([x], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def square(self, x):
        op = SquareOp([x], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def sigmoid(self, x):
        op = SigmoidOp([x], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def dot(self, a, b):
        op = DotOp([a, b], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def transpose(self, x):
        op = TransposeOp([x], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def mean(self, x):
        op = MeanOp([x], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def assign(self, a, b):
        op = AssignOp([a, b], graph=self)
        return op.output
    def group(self, inputs):
        op = GroupOp(inputs, graph=self)
        return op.output